When God made the earth, He didn’t just create something random or leave it empty. He brought order where there was chaos and gave shape where there was none because He had a purpose in mind. The earth was meant to be a place for life to thrive—a home, not just a barren space (like it says in Isaiah 45:18). His big plan was to extend His heavenly Kingdom—His perfect rule—down to earth. He wanted to bring the unseen, supernatural reality of Heaven into the visible, natural world we live in.
And here’s where we come in. God created humans—both men and women—in His image, giving us bodies made from the same materials as the earth itself. Why? So that we could represent Him here. We were meant to reflect His authority, acting like His partners, or vice-regents, to rule and take care of the earth under His guidance and in His name.
Now, let’s talk about kings and kingdoms. These ideas didn’t come from people—they’re originally God’s concepts. He chose these words to explain His plan for us and for the world. So, if we want to understand who God is and what He intended for us, we have to get what kingship and kingdom really mean. That’s been the goal of this explanation all along.
When God made Adam, He made him a king of the earth. It makes sense because God Himself is a King, and He created Adam to reflect His nature. As a king, Adam had some amazing qualities that made him different from every other creature on the planet. He could think for himself, make choices, and create ideas—just like God can. But even more special, Adam had the ability to be close to God, to talk with Him one-on-one in a way no other creature could.
But here’s the thing: when we lost sight of this original purpose, we also lost sight of God’s vision for us. This is why religion was never what God wanted—it was always about relationship and family of kings, not religion or/and rituals. From now we will be looking more into the Kingdom (Daily), each day we dive deeper in to seeking the God’s Kingdom as Jesus tells us to Matthew 6:33. So glad to be on this journey with you!!