The Bible Is About a King, a Kingdom, and His Kids: Embracing the Royal Principles of Giving

At its heart, the Bible tells a magnificent story—a story of a powerful King, His everlasting Kingdom, and His beloved children. Throughout Scripture, we see that God reigns over a supernatural realm called Heaven, a reality more substantial and eternal than the natural world. From the very beginning, God’s purpose was clear: to bring order out of chaos, to create a place for life to flourish, and ultimately to extend His heavenly Kingdom to the earth.

A Kingdom with a King and His Children

God created mankind in His own image, endowing us with unique qualities—such as the ability to reason, make decisions, and engage in intimate fellowship with Him. We were meant to rule over the earth as His vice-regents. However, when Adam chose to rebel, we lost our heavenly citizenship and our rightful dominion. Yet, God’s promises are irrevocable. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to restore what was lost and to reestablish the Kingdom on earth. Jesus came not only as our Savior but also as our rightful King, reclaiming the throne and inviting us to live under His eternal reign.

The Heart of Kingdom Living: The Gift of Giving

A central theme throughout the Bible is God’s nature as a giver. First, He gave mankind the earth as our domain. Later, even when humanity lost its Kingdom, God’s response was not to withhold but to give His Son—Jesus—so that we could be restored to our original purpose.

This divine generosity is reflected in the way a true king rules. Royal wealth isn’t just about hoarding riches; it’s about using those riches to bless, provide, and care for one’s people. In God’s Kingdom, giving is not an optional extra—it’s a fundamental expression of our citizenship and a way to honor our King.

The Six Royal Kingdom Principles of Giving

  1. Power Displayed in Wealth:
    A king’s power is often measured by his wealth. The greater his riches, the more capacity he has to give generously and to extend his influence.
  2. Securing His Glory:
    A king’s reputation and glory are closely tied to his ability to care for his citizens. A generous king is seen as benevolent and just, enhancing his legacy and ensuring his people’s welfare.
  3. Out-Giving for Greater Glory:
    True kings compete in generosity—not for personal gain, but to display magnanimity. God, as the richest King, out-gives without hesitation, showering His people with blessings far beyond what we could earn.
  4. Demand on His Wealth:
    Wealth that isn’t shared serves little purpose. A wise king uses his riches to stimulate reciprocal generosity. When we give, it activates a cycle of blessing—a principle of reciprocity that enriches both giver and receiver.
  5. A Response to Our Gift:
    When we offer gifts to our King, He responds in kind, often multiplying what we give. This principle is beautifully illustrated in Scripture, where our gifts open the door to an overflow of blessings.
  6. Attracting His Wealth:
    Generosity attracts more generosity. By giving freely, we open ourselves up to receiving even greater wealth from the King. It’s a posture of open-handed stewardship that acknowledges God’s ownership of all things.

Seven Reasons to Give to the King

  1. Royal Protocol:
    Just as visiting a king demands a proper gift, approaching God requires that we come with offerings of our best—whether through tithes, praise, or acts of service.
  2. A Fitting Gift:
    Our gifts should be worthy of the King. They reflect our respect and honor for His authority. It’s not about the cost but the sincerity and quality of our offering.
  3. Revealing Our “Worth-ship”:
    The gift we offer reveals how much we value our King. It speaks louder than words, demonstrating our commitment and deep respect.
  4. Worship Through Giving:
    True worship involves giving. Whether it’s our time, resources, or heartfelt thanks, every gift is an act of worship that honors God.
  5. Attracting the King’s Favor:
    A generous spirit draws the King’s favor. As Proverbs reminds us, a gift opens doors and ushers us into the presence of greatness.
  6. Acknowledging His Ownership:
    Giving is an acknowledgment that everything belongs to God. We are merely stewards, entrusted with resources that ultimately come from Him.
  7. Expressing Thanksgiving:
    Giving is a natural expression of gratitude. When we thank God with our gifts, we honor Him for His boundless kindness and provision.

Living Out Our Kingdom Citizenship

When we understand that the Bible is about a King, a Kingdom, and His children, we begin to see that our lives are meant to reflect Kingdom values. We are not merely recipients of blessings but active participants in a divine economy of giving. As Kingdom citizens, we are called to live out these principles—sharing generously, worshiping sincerely, and always honoring our King.

Let’s embrace this truth: in God’s Kingdom, giving is both a duty and a delight. When we give, we align ourselves with the heart of our King and unlock an abundance of blessings that flow back to us and to those around us.

We invite you to reflect on these royal principles of giving and to consider how you might integrate them into your daily life. Share your thoughts in the comments below—together, we can live out the truth that our lives are a vibrant expression of Kingdom living.

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