The Bible Is About a King, a Kingdom, and His Kids: Embracing the Royal Principles of Giving

At its heart, the Bible tells a magnificent story—a story of a powerful King, His everlasting Kingdom, and His beloved children. Throughout Scripture, we see that God reigns over a supernatural realm called Heaven, a reality more substantial and eternal than the natural world. From the very beginning, God’s purpose was clear: to bring order…

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Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Culture

Culture is the heartbeat of any nation—it’s the unique blend of land, language, laws, symbols, and shared values that defines who we are. When we understand a people’s culture, we truly understand the people. Every nation has its own identity, molded by the territory it inhabits, the language it speaks, and the laws it follows….

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The Power of Lordship: Understanding Kings and Their Domains

If you’ve ever read the Bible, you’ve probably come across the word “lord” countless times. But have you ever stopped to think about what it really means? In today’s world of democracies and republics, the concept of lordship isn’t something we experience daily—except when we talk about landlords. That’s right, the idea of a “lord”…

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The Greatest Secret to Living Effectively: The Power of Priorities

Life on earth is a beautiful yet complex journey, filled with endless choices and competing demands. Every day, we are faced with decisions that shape our lives, and the quality of those decisions hinges on one critical factor: priorities. The greatest secret to living effectively is understanding and mastering the principle of prioritization. It is the…

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Part Three: The Kingdom – The Long Wait and Its Fulfillment

The Kingdom of God is a divine system with intricate components that reflect its purpose and function. As outlined earlier, the Kingdom encompasses aspects like healing, teaching, tithing, and administration through the Church. These components not only highlight the nature of God’s Kingdom but also differentiate it from earthly kingdoms. However, its most profound characteristic…

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